Thursday 29 June 2017

Hello everyone!
A huge welcome to all those who accidentally stumbled onto my blog!!!
I hope you find something that interests you and makes you want to read further.
I also welcome constructive criticism so make sure you comment away..........

At the risk of sounding quite mainstream, I'm going to add the golden words - if you like what you see, please don't forget to like, share and subscribe!

Lastly, any work published here is copyrighted and belongs exclusively to me.
So, please don't plagiarize it.
If in case, you DO want to use it somewhere (and I'm flattering myself with this thought),
kindly contact me first.

Thank you for your time!!!

GIF credit:


  1. omg in love with your work <3

  2. Hi Ananya, If I was not knowing you personally as the little girl; I would have considered it from a senior age professional writer, specifically the copyright part :). It feels pride knowing such a young talent (first one) in our family and friends. Congrats and keep it up. Looking forward to the little star, shining more and more - in years ahead. With lots of love - Hari Gopal

  3. Thank you so much for your encouraging words! They mean a lot to me. Hopefully I will be able to live up to such praise in times to come!
